Chapter 2 Parse NormalizeToMatrix

Function retriveData can extract data from EnrichedHeatmap::normalizeToMatrix function output. Then we can visualize the data extracted data from retriveData. retriveData returns a list which includes two long-format data.frame profile and heatmap. This charpter we will describe how to achive this.

2.1 Test data

The bigwig data can be fetched from GSE212977.

Load packages we need:


2.2 Prepare interest genomic regions

Here we prepare human GRCh37 version of genes, we select 2000 genes for test:


gtf <- import.gff("Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.87.gtf.gz",format = "gtf") |> 
  data.frame() |> filter(type == "gene") |> 
  select(seqnames,start,end,strand) |> 

# GRanges object with 57905 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#         seqnames      ranges strand
#            <Rle>   <IRanges>  <Rle>
#   [1]         1 11869-14412      +
#   [2]         1 14363-29806      -
# ...

genes <- head(gtf,2000)

2.3 Compute nomalized matrix

Now we use normalizeToMatrix compute normalized signals for bigiwig files around target regions:

bwfile <- list.files(path = "GSE212977_RAW/",pattern = ".bw",full.names = T)
# [1] "GSE212977_RAW/" 
# [2] "GSE212977_RAW/"
# [3] "GSE212977_RAW/"  
# [4] "GSE212977_RAW/"  
# [5] "GSE212977_RAW/"  
# [6] "GSE212977_RAW/"  

# x = 1
# compute matrix
lapply(seq_along(bwfile), function(x){
  # func test
  bw <-[x])
  mat_trim = normalizeToMatrix(bw, genes, value_column = "score", 
                               extend = 3000, mean_mode = "w0", w = 50, 
                               keep = c(0, 0.99),
                               background = 0, 
                               smooth = TRUE)
}) -> mat_list

2.4 Extract data

We can see the extracted data which include two long-format data.frame with some other attributes:

sample.names <- c('H3K27ac','H3K27me3','H3K4m1','H3K4m3','H3K9ac','INPUT')

# get matrix data
mat_df <- retriveData(mat.list = mat_list,sample.names = sample.names)

# check
# List of 2
# $ profile:'data.frame':   1200 obs. of  6 variables:
#   ..$ density : num [1:1200] 0.851 0.829 0.824 0.83 0.836 ...
# ..$ x       : int [1:1200] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
# ..$ sample  : chr [1:1200] "H3K27ac" "H3K27ac" "H3K27ac" "H3K27ac" ...
# ..$ split   : chr [1:1200] "Binding sites: 2000" "Binding sites: 2000" "Binding sites: 2000" "Binding sites: 2000" ...
# ..$ lower_ci: num [1:1200] 0.763 0.743 0.74 0.747 0.753 ...
# ..$ upper_ci: num [1:1200] 0.939 0.915 0.907 0.912 0.919 ...
# $ heatmap:'data.frame':   2400000 obs. of  5 variables:
#   ..$ y     : Factor w/ 2000 levels "Binding sites: 2000_455",..: 1316 1321 1650 1861 943 673 1261 1032 1429 389 ...
# ..$ x     : num [1:2400000] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
# ..$ value : num [1:2400000] 0 1.411 1.526 0.442 0 ...
# ..$ split : chr [1:2400000] "Binding sites: 2000\n(n=2000)" "Binding sites: 2000\n(n=2000)" "Binding sites: 2000\n(n=2000)" "Binding sites: 2000\n(n=2000)" ...
# ..$ sample: chr [1:2400000] "H3K27ac" "H3K27ac" "H3K27ac" "H3K27ac" ...
# - attr(*, "class")= chr "chipData"
# - attr(*, "axis_name")= chr [1:4] "-3000" "start" "end" "3000"
# - attr(*, "axis_breaks")= num [1:4] 1 61 141 200
# - attr(*, "vline_x")= num [1:2] 61 141
# - attr(*, "axis_textx_hjust")= num [1:4] 0 0.5 0.5 1

2.5 EnrichedHeatmap visualization

First we show what the EnrichedHeatmap output looks like:

bg_col <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6, "Set2")
lapply(seq_along(bwfile), function(x){
  # func test
  bw <-[x])
  mat_trim = normalizeToMatrix(bw, genes, value_column = "score", 
                               extend = 3000, mean_mode = "w0", w = 50, 
                               keep = c(0, 0.99),
                               background = 0, 
                               smooth = TRUE)
  EnrichedHeatmap(mat_trim, col = c("grey95",bg_col[x]), name = sample.names[x],
                  column_title = sample.names[x],
                  column_title_gp = gpar(fontsize = 10, 
                                         fill = bg_col[x]),
                  # top_annotation = HeatmapAnnotation(
                  #   enriched = anno_enriched(
                  #     ylim = c(0, 30))),
                  use_raster = F,
                  # show_heatmap_legend = lgd[x],
                  show_heatmap_legend = T
}) -> ht_list

# merge plot list
pdf("ht_6samples.pdf",width = 12,height = 8,onefile = F)
draw(Reduce("+",ht_list), ht_gap = unit(0.8, "cm"),
     heatmap_legend_side = "bottom")

2.6 ChipVis visualization

Function ChipVis accept output object from retriveData. Just a little code needed to plot the data. You can plot the profile plot , heatmap plot or both with plot.type parameter.

2.6.1 Profile plot

Now we do some examples for profile plot. Default output:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "profile")

Control the line layers;

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "profile",
        geom_line_params = list(color = "#C23373",linewidth = 1))

Change the sample orders:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "profile",
        geom_line_params = list(color = "#C23373",linewidth = 1),
        sample.order = rev(sample.names))

Don’t draw rect and control the facet parameters:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "profile",
        geom_line_params = list(color = "#C23373",linewidth = 1),
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_profile_params = list(scales = "free_y",independent = "y"),
        draw_rect = F)

Change the facet background colors:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "profile",
        geom_line_params = list(color = "#C23373",linewidth = 1),
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_profile_params = 
          list(strip = strip_themed(background_x = 
                                      elem_list_rect(fill = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6,"Set3"),
                                                     color = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6,"Set3"))

Control the vertical line layer:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "profile",
        vline_params = list(linewidth = 1,color = "pink"))

2.6.2 Heatmap plot

Default output:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "heatmap")

Change the facet background colors:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "heatmap",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_heatmap_params = 
          list(strip = strip_themed(background_x = 
                                      elem_list_rect(fill = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6,"Set3"),
                                                     color = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6,"Set3"))

Remove the y axis facet border colors:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "heatmap",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_heatmap_params = 
          list(strip = strip_themed(background_x = 
                                      elem_list_rect(fill = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6,"Set3"),
                                                     color = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6,"Set3")),
                                    background_y = elem_list_rect(color = "grey95")

Assign each sample with different color scales:


multi_heatmap_col = list(c("grey95",brewer.pal(12,"Set3")[1]),

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "heatmap",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_heatmap_params =
          list(strip = strip_themed(background_x =
                                      elem_list_rect(fill = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6,"Set3"),
                                                     color = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(6,"Set3")),
                                    background_y = elem_list_rect(color = "grey95")
        multi.heatmap.col = multi_heatmap_col)

2.6.3 Combined plot

You can define the plot.type = “both” to combine the profile and heatmap plot:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "both")

Also you can assign different color scales for every sample:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "both",
        multi.heatmap.col = multi_heatmap_col)

2.7 Cluster for genes

Sometimes you need cluster the genes into multiple groups like gain/upregulatted genes, retained/non-changed genes and loss/downregulatted genes. You can define the row_split parameters to define how the genes were grouped by.

Here we split the genes into three groups and add group labels for samples.

row_split = rep(c("group1", "group2","group3"), c(400,600,1000))

# get matrix data
mat_df.sp <- retriveData(mat.list = mat_list,
                         sample.names = sample.names,
                         row.split = row_split,
                         group.sample = rep(c("treat","control"),c(3,3)))

Plot profile:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "profile")

Change samples orders:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "profile",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names))

Change line colors:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "profile",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names)) +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Paired") +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Paired")

Add nested line for samples groups:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "profile",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_profile_params = list(nest_line = element_line(linetype = 1)),
        theme_params = list(strip.background = element_blank(),
                            ggh4x.facet.nestline = element_line(linewidth = 1,
                                                                colour = "black")))

Change facet background colors:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "profile",
        geom_line_params = list(linewidth = 1),
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_profile_params = 
          list(strip = strip_themed(background_x = 
                                      elem_list_rect(fill = c(rep(c("#85E6C5","pink"),c(3,3)),
                                                     color = c(rep(c("#85E6C5","pink"),c(3,3)),
        theme_params = list(panel.spacing.x = unit(0,"mm")))

Heatmap visualization:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "heatmap",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names))

Add nested line:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "heatmap",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_heatmap_params = list(nest_line = element_line(linetype = 1)),
        theme_params = list(strip.background = element_blank(),
                            ggh4x.facet.nestline = element_line(linewidth = 1,
                                                                colour = "black")))

Change the rowsplit groups orders:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "heatmap",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_heatmap_params = list(nest_line = element_line(linetype = 1)),
        theme_params = list(strip.background = element_blank(),
                            ggh4x.facet.nestline = element_line(linewidth = 1,
                                                                colour = "black")),
        rowsplit.order = c("group3\n(n=1000)","group1\n(n=400)","group2\n(n=600)"))

Combine the profile plot and heatmap:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "both",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_profile_params = list(nest_line = element_line(linetype = 1)),
        add_nested_line = T)

Control the color legend bar height:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "both",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_profile_params = list(nest_line = element_line(linetype = 1)),
        add_nested_line = T,
        multi.heatmap.col = multi_heatmap_col,
        multi_legend_barheight = 0.75)

Put the legend below the plot:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp,
        plot.type = "both",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_profile_params = list(nest_line = element_line(linetype = 1)),
        add_nested_line = T,
        theme_params = list(legend.position = "bottom"),
        geom_line_params = list(show.legend = F),
        multi.heatmap.col = multi_heatmap_col,
        multi_legend_barheight = 0.75)

2.8 Plot around TSS site

Upper codes showed how we plot around region body of interest genomic regions. Here we show example plots around TSS sites.

Perepare data we need:

tss <- promoters(gtf |> head(2000),upstream = 0, downstream = 1)
# GRanges object with 2000 ranges and 0 metadata columns:
#         seqnames    ranges strand
#             <Rle> <IRanges>  <Rle>
#   [1]          1     11869      +
#   [2]          1     29806      -

# comput matrix
lapply(seq_along(bwfile), function(x){
  # func test
  bw <-[x])
  mat_trim = normalizeToMatrix(bw, tss, value_column = "score", 
                               extend = 3000, mean_mode = "w0", w = 50, 
                               keep = c(0, 0.99),
                               background = 0, 
                               smooth = TRUE)
}) -> mat_list

sample.names <- c('H3K27ac','H3K27me3','H3K4m1','H3K4m3','H3K9ac','INPUT')

# get matrix data
mat_df.sp.tss <- retriveData(mat.list = mat_list,
                             sample.names = sample.names,
                             row.split = row_split,
                             group.sample = rep(c("treat","control"),c(3,3)))

Profile plot:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp.tss,
        plot.type = "profile",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names))

Heatmap plot:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp.tss,
        plot.type = "heatmap",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names))

Combined plot:

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp.tss,
        plot.type = "both",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names))

Change the axis labels:

attr(mat_df.sp.tss,"axis_name") <- c("-3kb","TSS","3kb")

ChipVis(object = mat_df.sp.tss,
        plot.type = "both",
        sample.order = rev(sample.names),
        facet_profile_params = list(nest_line = element_line(linetype = 1)),
        add_nested_line = T)

2.9 Samples with different target regions

In some situations, each sample may enriched different target genomic regions rather than same regions. This means the y axis is different from each other. Here we also show some examples for this situation.

Get normalized signals for each sample with different regions:

genes <- head(gtf,500)
genes2 <- gtf[501:1500,]
genes3 <- gtf[1501:3000,]
rg <- list(genes,genes2,genes3)

# comput matrix
lapply(seq_along(bwfile[1:3]), function(x){
  # func test
  bw <-[x])
  mat_trim = normalizeToMatrix(bw, rg[[x]], value_column = "score", 
                               extend = 3000, mean_mode = "w0", w = 50, 
                               keep = c(0, 0.99),
                               background = 0, 
                               smooth = TRUE)
}) ->

sample.names <- c('H3K27ac','H3K27me3','H3K4m1')

# get matrix data
mat_df <- retriveData(mat.list =,
                      sample.names = sample.names)

We can see the matrices have different rows:

Profile plot:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "profile")

Heatmap plot, here you can see some blank facet panels in plot. This is because each sample have different target regions:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "heatmap")

You can use the merge_facet the re-arrange the plot:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "heatmap",
        merge_facet = T)

Assign multiple color scales for each sample:

ChipVis(object = mat_df,
        plot.type = "heatmap",
        merge_facet = T,
        multi.heatmap.col = list(c("grey95","#068DA9"),